Sunday, January 27, 2008


The Changing Calhoun Square

I was at Famous Dave's this afternoon, so I was interested to read about how Calhoun Square is on the move at the Star Tribune. While I certainly think that the mall needs a refresh -- especially after the disappointing departure of Border's -- I'll also be very sad to see ZRS Fossils to leave if they do as reported in this article, as I always found the mix of artifacts to be one of the more unique things there. I haven't ever purchased anything there -- it's the type of store that you visit a whole lot more than you buy someting from -- but it is always interesting to visit.

In a lot of ways, I'm the type of person that Calhoun Square should try to pull in, I would think -- I live close enough that it's a reasonable place for me to stop by, and I drive by it at least once a week. But the mix of stores have really meant that I only go inside two or three times a year.

So I hope that any changes are for the better -- because the departure of ZRS Fossils removes the only store that I would have made a point of going into when at Calhoun Square.


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