Friday, October 31, 2008


Vote! Vote!

The Onion was quite accurate eight years ago.

Don't forget to Vote!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I Want My MTV

You can find just about every music video here. Wow.


Best. Obama. Commercial. Ever.



American Stories, American Solutions

The Obama Show is already on YouTube...

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Monday, October 27, 2008


CONvergence in the press... in October?!?

It's Halloween season, which is certainly a High Holiday for people that like to dress up in costumes, or attend science fiction conventions like CONvergence. So perhaps it's not surprising to see a reference to the convention show up in the St Paul Pioneer Press.

And seeing this sort of thing is exactly why we have this event -- to provide an environment that lets people do things like this, and not just for one weekend in July, but all year around.

And speaking of CONvergence....

It's official. We are going ahead with CONvergence beings a four day event permanently starting next year. We're very appreciative of all of the feedback and comments that we have -- so we can identify ways to make the four day convention as successful as possible, and make CONvergence continue to serve as a gathering point for our community.

We're looking for new concom members and volunteers -- ane one of the goals for our first concom meeting, on November 2nd, at 2:00 PM at the Sheraton Bloomington -- is to get new people engaged and involved. The organization lives and depend on excited and committed volunteers. So if you're interested, please join us.

There's a Facebook Event if you want a reminder and use Facebook.

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Sunday, October 26, 2008


Yes We Did




I've subscribed and have been listening to Coverville for the last month or so. It's got a great concept -- a podcast that plays covers of various songs. It's a great way to get a variety of music.

Definitely recommend subscribing to it!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Watching Tonight's Debate

[from here and Countdown on MSNBC]

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Sunday, October 12, 2008


Almost feeling sorry for McCain

I think he's really losing control of some of his supporters. Sad to see something like this in Minnesota though.

I suspect that when McCain loses -- and I hope and expect that he will -- that the knives will really be out in the Republican party. It's too early to say that, perhaps, and the few weeks that remain are several lifetimes in politics....but we'll see what happens.

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Monday, October 06, 2008


Update on CONvergence 4 Day Meeting

Following up on an earlier post, we've scheduled a second meeting to discuss moving CONvergence to a 4 day convention on Wednesday October 22 at 6:30pm at the Rockford Road Library, located at 6401 42nd Ave. N., Crystal.

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Saturday, October 04, 2008


CONvergence 4 Days Forever...

We just put up a FAQ outlying our plans to move permanently to a four day convention starting in 2009. We're planning a meeting on October 7th at 6:30 PM to discuss our plans. [The website has a typo.]

I certainly apologize for the short notice -- it all came together very quickly, and as you can expect, we're up against a pretty tight timeline for implementing it for 2009 -- and we've decided that it is better to continue with the new model that we started in 2008, and make adjustments to that, rather than wait until 2010 for it.

We've had lots of other meetings already on it with our various departments -- so this has been in the works since after the last convention and when we discovered that for most departments, four days was surprisingly easier than three days, not harder.

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Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Live Long and Prosper

I can really only wish that this is true, but given the source one can't be sure. I'd love to see a photo of Barack Obama giving the Vulcan hand signal though...

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